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Lecture Guided. Own a Commercial Loan Business.
WELCOME: Learn to earn six-figures.
Welcome to your Mortgage Financing Career Training. (1:48)
INTRODUCTION: What you need to succeed.
Introduction: A Scalable Foundation. Narrated. (3:15)
Our Requests of you. Narrated. (0:32)
A Scalable Foundation: Base + Structure + Flow = CPR. Narrated. (1:43)
BASE: All about your base.
Base: It's all about your Base. Lecture. (1:07)
Be a Business. Keep it Simple. Lecture. (1:56)
Base: Company Name - License. Lecture. (1:12)
Base: Register Company - Bank Account. Lecture (0:54)
Base: Website - Logo - Files. Lecture. (0:49)
Base: Email - Phone - Address - Biz Cards. Lecture (1:17)
Base: Be in Action Assignment. Lecture (0:44)
STRUCTURE: Flexible Structure Wins.
Structure: The Loan Journey. Lecture. (2:37)
Structure: Be Flexible. Lecture. (1:46)
Structure: Be Flexible. Focus. Lecture. (1:46)
Structure: Be Focused. Lecture.
Structure: Be Contextual. Application and Guidelines. Lecture. (1:45)
Structure: Be Complete. Lecture. (0:30)
Structure: Be Flexible. Review. Lecture. (2:26)
Structure: Be Learning. Lecture. (1:55)
Structure: Be Intuitive. Lecture. (0:27)
Structure: Be Organized. Lecture. (1:34)
Structure: Be Clear. Lecture. (0:21)
Structure: Be Professional. Lecture. (1:31)
Structure: Be Fundable. Lecture. (1:38)
Structure: Be Persistent. Lecture. (2:09)
Structure: Be Detailed. (1:37)
Structure: Be in Action. Lecture.
FLOW. From Leads to Closings.
Flow: Be Active. Lecture. (0:59)
Flow: Be Masterful Summary (1:06)
Flow: Be Masterful Context. Lecture. (1:56)
Flow: Be Balanced. Lecture. (1:22)
Flow: Be Resourceful. Lecture. (1:10)
Flow: Be Inquiring. Lecture. (0:49)
Flow: Be Connected. Lecture. (1:05)
Flow: Be Scripted - Lecture. (0:47)
Flow: Be Useful. Lecture. (0:55)
Flow: Be Authentic. Lecture. Lecture. (1:41)
Flow: Be Known. Lecture. Lecture. (2:13)
Flow: Be Consistent. Lecture. Lecture. (1:02)
Flow: Be Proactive. Lecture. (0:31)
CPR: Create. Perform. Repeat.
CPR: Intro Create Perform Repeat. Lecture. (1:21)
CPR: Be Results = Request x Quality & Quantity. Lecture. (0:54)
CPR: Create Perform Repeat. Lecture. (1:40)
CPR: Create Systems. Lecture. (0:38)
CPR: On-Going Practices. Lecture. (1:38)
Invent - Become a Loan Lion. Lecture. (1:44)
Invent: Set-up Completion Call.
Flow: Be Known. Lecture. Lecture.
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